Touraj Atabaki

Prof Dr Touraj Atabaki is Senior Researcher at the International Institute of Social History. He is Professor Emeritus, holder of the chair of the Social History of the Middle East and Central Asia at the Leiden University.
Studied first theoretical physics and then history, he did his doctoral dissertation under the supervision of Prof Ervand Abrahamian (Baruch College) on the ethnicity and regional autonomy in the twentieth century Iran; it was published in 1993 and reprinted in 2000.
Touraj Atabaki coordinated number of projects, including Social History of Labour in the Iranian Oil Industry 1908-2008 and Practicing Modernisation in Turkey and Iran. He is also a partcipant in the international project of the Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations 1500-2000.
Touraj Atabaki is the founder of the Sadighi Reserach Fund and the Prince Dr Sabbar Farman-Farmaian Research Project.
Touraj Atabaki served as: President of the Association of Iranian Studies, President of the European Society for Central Asian Studies, member the Academic Board of the International Institute of Asian Studies, member of the Editorial Board of the Central Asian Survey. And severs as a member of the Board of Consulting Editors of the International Labour and Working-Class History, member of the advisory Council of Jounal of Iranian Studies.
Atabaki's fields of research encompass Social History of the Middle East, the former Soviet South, the Caucasus and Central Asia, Labour and Subaltern Studies, Migration and post-Colonial Historiography.
Selected publications
- Seventy Years in the Social History of the Iranian Oil Industry (1908-1978). Labour and Beyond (Forthcoming).
- Working for Oil. Comparative Social Histories of Labor in the Global Oil Industries (co-editors: Elisabetta Bini and Kaveh Ehsani) (New York: Palgrave, 2018)
- Fallen in the Whirlwind. The Life and Time of the Iranian Migrant Workers and Political Activists in the Stalinist Soviet Union (co-author: Lana Ravandi) (Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, 2016). In Russian. English and Persian translation in progress.
- The Road Not to Taken. Leftist Guerrillas in the Late Pahlavi Iran (co-aeditor: Nasser Mohajer) (Paris: Noghteh, 2017). In Persian. English translation in progress.
- Ottoman and Republican Turkish Labour History (co-editor Gavin D. Brockett) (London: Cambridge University Press, 2011).
- Dowlat va Foroudastan. Faraz va Foroud Tajaddod Ameraneh dar Torkiyeh va Iran,Gerdavarandeh va Talif (Tehran: Qoqnoos, 2011).
- Devlet ve Maduniyet. Türkiye ve İran’da Modernleşme, Toplum ve Devlet, Derleyen (Istanbul: Bilgi Üniversitesi Yayınları, 2010).
- İran ve 1. Dünya Savaşı. Büyük Güçlerin Savaş Alanı, Derleyen (Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 2010).
- Modernity and Its Agencies. The Young Moments in the History of the South, Editor (New Delhi: Manohar, 2010).
- Historiography and Political Culture in Twentieth-Century Iran, Editor (London: I.B.Tauris, publication scheduled for 2009).
- Iran va Jang Jahani Avval. Meydan Nabard Qodrat-hay Bozorg (Tehran: Qoqnoos, 2008).
- Tajaddod Ameraneh, Gerdavarandeh va Talif (Tehran: Qoqnoos, 2007).
- The State and the Subaltern. Society and Politics in Turkey and Iran, Editor (London, I.B. Tauris, 2007).
- Iran and the First World War: A Battleground of the Great Powers, Editor (London: I.B.Tauris, 2006).
- Central Asia and the Caucasus: Transnationalism and Diaspora, co-Editor [Sanjyot Mehendale] (London: Routledge, 2005).
- Men of Order: Authoritarian Modernisation Under Atatürk and Reza Shah, co-Editor [Erik Jan Zürcher] (London: I.B Tauris, 2004).
- Beyond Essentialism. Who writes whose Past in the Middle East and central Asia? (Amsterdam: Aksant, 2003).
- Post-Soviet Central Asia, co-Editor [John O’Kane] (London: I.B.Tauris, 1998).
- Azarbayjan dar Iran-e Mo‘aser, (Tehran: Tus, 1997).
- Azerbaijan: Ethnicity and the Struggle for Power in Iran, [Revised Edition of Azerbaijan, Ethnicity and Autonomy in the Twentieth-Century Iran] (London: I.B.Tauris, 2000).
- Centraal Azië, co-Author [Joris Versteeg] (Amsterdam: Koninklijk Instituut voor de Tropen-Novib-NCOS, 1994).
- Azerbaijan, Ethnicity and Autonomy in the Twentieth-Century Iran (London, IB Tauris, 1993).
Book chapters
- “Chronicles of a Calamitous Strike Foretold: Abadan, July 1946”, in: Karl Heinz Roth (ed), On the Road to Global Labour History (Leiden: Brill, 2018)
- “Oil and Labour: The Pivotal Postion of Persian Oil in the First World War and the Question of Transnational Labour dependency”, in: Christian G.De Vito and Anne Gerritsen (eds), Micro-Spatial Histories of Global Labour (New York: Palgrave, 2017)
- “Persia (Iran)”, in: Karin Homeester and Marcel van der Linden (eds), Handbook Global History of Work (Berlin: De Gruyeter, 2018)
- “Oil and Beyond Expanding British Imperial Aspirations, Emerging Oil Capitalism, and the Challenge of Social Questions in the First World War” co-author Kaveh Ehsani, in Helmut Bley and Anorthe Kremers (eds), The World During the First World War (Essen: Klartext Verlag, 2014)
- “La ausencia del trabajo en las metanarrativas de la modernidad existente en Irán. El papel de la iniciativa histórica obrera en la reformulación del discurso sobre desarrollo social” in Rossana Barragán and Pilar Uriona (eds), Mundos de trabajo en transformación: entre lo local y lo global (La Paz - Bolivia: CIDES-UMSA, 2014)
- “Contesting Marginality: Ethnicity and the Construction of New Histories in the Islamic Republic of Iran” in Kamran Scot Aghaie and Afshin Marashi (eds), Rethinking Iranian Nationalism and Modernity (Austin: University of Texas Press: 2014)
- “The making of Collective memory. The Politics of archive in the Soviet Azerbaijan” co-author Solmaz Rustamova-Towhidi, in Aad Blok, Jan Lucassen and Huub Sanders (eds), A Usable Collection. Essay in Honour of Jaap klosterman on Collecting Social History (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2014)
- “Missing Labour in the Metanarratives of Practicing Modernity in Iran: Labour Agency in Refashioning the Discourse of Social Development”, David Mayer and Jürgen (Ed.), Interventions: The Impact of Labour Movements on Social and Cultural Development (Wien: International Conference of Labour and social History – ITH, Akademische Verlagsanstalt, 2013)
- “The Comintern, the Soviet Union and Working Class Militancy in Interwar Iran”, Stephanie Cronin (Ed.), Iranian-Russian Encounters. Empire and Revolution since 1800 (London: Rutledge, 2012)
- “Iranian History in Transition: Recasting the Symbolic Identity of Babak Khorramdin”, Abbas Amanat & Farzin Vejdani (Eds.), Iran Facing Others (New York: Palgrave-Macmillam, 2012)
- "Constitutionalists San Frontieres: Iranian Constitutionalism and its Asian Connections", H.E. Chehabi & Vanessa Martin (Eds.), Iran's Constitutional Revolution (London - New York: I.B. Tauris, 2010).
- "Historiography of Twentieth CenturyIran: Memory, Amnesia and Invention", in: Historiography and Political Culture in Twentieth-Century Iran, Editor (London: I.B.Tauris, publication scheduled for 2009).
- "Agency and Subjectivity in Iranian national Historiography", in: Historiography and Political Culture in Twentieth-Century Iran, Editor (London: I.B.Tauris, publication scheduled for 2009).
- "Iran and the Netherlands in the Interbellum". In Martine Gosselink (Ed.), Iran and the Netherlands; Interwoven Through the Ages. (Gronsveld & Rotterdam: Barjesteh L.A. van Waalwijk van Doorn, 2009).
- "Iranian Oil Nationalised; Mosaddeq Goes to The Hague". In Martine Gosselink (Ed.), Iran and the Netherlands; Interwoven Through the Ages (Gosselink & Rotterdam: Barjesteh L.A. van Waalwijk van Doorn, 2009).
- "From multilingual empire to contested modern state", in: Homa Katouzian and Hossein Shaidi (ed), Iran in the 21st Century. Politics, Economics and Conflicts, (London and New York: Routledge, 2008).
- "Ethnic Minorities, Regionalism and the Construction of New Histories", in: Markus Ritter, Ralph Kauz and Brigitt Hoffman (ed), Iran und iranisch geprägte Kulturen (Wiesbaden: Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 2008).
- "Kendini Yeniden Kurmak, Ötekini Reddetmek: Panturkism ve Iran Milliyetçiligi", in: Erik Jan Zürcher (ed), Türkiye'de Etnik Çatisma. Istanbul: Iletisim, 2005.
- "Enlightening the People: The Practice of Modernity in Central Asia and its Trans-Caspian Dependencies", in Gabriele Rasuly-Paleczek and Julia Katschnig (eds.), Central Asia on Display. Vienna: Lit Verlag, 2004.
- "Başkasını Reddederek kendini Yenilemek: Pan-Türkçülük ve Iran Milliyetçiliği", in: Willem van Schendel & Erik Jan Zürcher(eds), Orta Asya ve İslam Dünyasında Kilimlik Politikaları. İstanbul: İletişim, 2004.
- "Incommodious Hosts, Invidious Guests. The life and Time of Iranian Revolutionaries in the Soviet Union: (1921-1939)" in Stephanie Cronin, Reformers and Revolutionaries in Modern Iran: New Perspectives on the Iranian Left. London: Routledge-Curzon, 2004.
- "Recasting and Recording Identities in the Caucasus", in, G S. Asatrian, (ed), Iran and the Caucasus. Leiden-Boston: Brill, 2003.
- "Recasting Oneself, Rejecting the Others: Pan-Turkism and Iranian Nationalism" in Erik Jan Zürcher and W. van Schendel (eds), Identity Politics in Central Asia and Muslim Word. London: I.B.Tauris, 2001. - "Dialogue; a Literary Form in Persian Nineteenth/Twentieth-Centuries Political Discourse", in B. G. Fragner, et al. (ed.), Proceedings of the Second European Conference of Iranian Studies (Rome: Instituto Italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente, 1995).
- "A Study in the History of Bukharan Modernism, the Journey of Ahmad Donish to St. Petersburg", in I. Baldauf, and M. Friederich (eds), Bamberger Zentralasienstudien, Islamkundliche Untersuchungen, (Berlin: Klaus Schwarz Verlag, 1994).
- "The Early Labour Movement in Khorasan", in M. van Damme and H. Boeschoten (eds.), Utrecht Papers on Central Asia (Utrecht: Utrecht University, Turkological Series, 1987).
- "Far from Home, But at Home: Indian Migrant Workers in the Iranian Oil Industry", Studies in History, 31(1), 2015.
- “Writing the Social History of Labor in the Iranian Oil Industry”, International Labor and Working-Class History, 84 (Fall), 2013.
- “From ‘Amaleh (Labor) to Kargar (Worker): Recruitment, Work Discipline and Making of the Working Class in the Persian/Iranian Oil Industry”, International Labor and Working-Class History, 84 (Fall), 2013.
- “The Birth of the Working Class in the Iranian Oil Industry”, Goftogou, On Culture and Society, No. 60, October 2012.
- "Ethnic Diversity in Iran and Iranian National Identity". Iran Nameh (A Persian Journal of Iranian Studies), 25 (2-3), 2009.
- "Constitutionalism in Iran and its Asian Interdependencies", Comparative of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Volume 28, No. 1, 2008.
- "Constitutionalists Sans Frontières", Goft-o-Gu, 51, June 2008.
- "Revisiting Social Historiography of Qajar Persia", Qajar Studies, Volume 8, 2008.
- "Doğu'ya Doğru: Teşkilat-ı Mahsusa'nın İran, Kafkasya ve Orta Asya Faaliyetleri", Kebikeç, 24 (2007).
- "Ethnic Diversity and Territorial Integrity of Iran: Domestic Harmony and Regional Challenges", Iranian Studies, 38:1 (March 2005).
- "On Subaltern Historiography", Ketab-e Mah - Tarikh va Joghrafia (Book of the Month, On History an Geography) (2004).
- "Disgruntled Guests: Iranian Subaltern on the Margins of the Tsarist Empire," International Review of Social History, 48:3 (2003).
- "Azerbaijan and Iranian Nationalism", Goft-o-gu, Journal on Culture and Society, 33 (May 2001).
- "From Comrade Rouge to the Enemy of the People", Goft-o-gu, Journal on Culture and Society, 31 (2001).
- "Dialogue; a Literary Form in Persian Nineteenth/Twentieth-Centuries Political Discourse", Goft-o-gu, Journal on Culture and Society, 23 (1999).
- "Narrating the Nation: A Study on Reshaping Identity in Azerbaijan", Journal of Azerbaijani Studies, 2:2 (1999).
- "The Policies of the Khorasani Communists in the Early 1920s", Goft-o-gu, journal on Culture and Society, 11 (1996).
- "The Myth of an Ultimatum, A Study on the US-Soviet Relations in the Context of the Azerbaijan Crisis", Goft-o-gu, Journal on Culture and Society, 10 (1995).
- "Nationality, Ethnicity and Autonomy in the Contemporary Iran", Goft-o-gu, Journal on Culture and Society, 3 (1994).
- "The Iranian Dialogue", Iranshenasi, Journal of Iranian Studies, 4:4 (1993).
- "Prostitution in Iran", Iranshenasi, Journal of Iranian Studies, 4:2 (1992).
- "L'Organisation Syndicale Ouvrière en Iran", Sou'al, 8 (1987).
- Guest editor, A Special Issue on the Centenary of the Iranian Constitutional Revolution, Goft-o-Gu, 51, 2008.
- Guest editor with Marcel van der Linden, A special issue on Social History of Iran, International Review of Social History, 48: 3, 2003.
- Guest editor, A special Issue on the Iranian Left Movement, Goft-o-gu, Journal on Culture and Society, 31, 2001.
- The Caucasus Directories. Union Catalogue of Persian, Azebaijani, Ottoman Turkish, and Arabic Serials and Newspapers in the Libraries of the Republic of Azebaijan and the Republic of Georgia, [co-Editors: Solmaz Rustmova-Towhidi, Grigol Beradze, Georg Sanikidze]. Tehran: Resanehha, 2006.
- The Baku Documents, Union Catalogue of Persian, Azebaijani, Ottoman Turkish, and Arabic Serials and Newspapers in the Libraries of the Republic of Azerbaijan. London: I.B. Tauris, 1995.