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The International Institute of Social History is working on a Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations in the period 1500-2000. In this project we want to make an inventory of all...
As the world's most important source of energy, the Middle East has emerged as the key to the stability of global economy. With over 9% of the globe's oil reserves and 15%-17% of worldwide reserves...
The CLIO-Infra project will create a set of interconnected historical databases on worldwide social, economic and institutional indicators over the last five centuries, with special focus on the last...
This three-year research programme is a comparative study of military recruitment in Europe, the Middle East and Asia, 1500-2000 CE. The innovative character of the project lies in the fact that it...
Central to social, economic and labour history is the world of work, as known by occupational activities and titles. Yet research, especially comparative research, is severely hampered by confusion...
Taking the household or the family as the central unit of analysis the project studies income earning strategies of the non-agrarian population in twentieth century Russia and the Soviet Union....
Global History of Textile Workers: A global and comparative history of textile workers 1650-2000.In the first phase of the project, national studies were written on textile production in different...
From the late nineteenth century in continental Europe, and in the second half of the twentieth century also in Quebec, Latin America, Africa and to a much lesser extent Asia, Christian workers'...
Over the last five centuries, the world has come to know Europeans as voracious consumers of colonial products. Right from the beginning of the 'European encounter', systems of production in the...
Luxury and Labour, a global trajectory of diamond consumption and production, 16th -19th century. In the past four hundred years large scale circulations of people, ideas and commodities took place,...