Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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Video van de bijeenkomst op 23 maart in Pakhuis de Zwijger in de reeks #detoekomstvanwerk. Het IISG is partner van deze reeks,Dåår ook alles flex? - Toekomst van Werk 13 from Pakhuis de Zwijger on... [News]
"Conquerors, Employers and Arbiters: States and Shifts in Labour Relations, 1500–2000",  IRSH latest Special Issue (vol 61 no 24, December 2016), for example presents a research article on the... [News]
The International Social History Association (ISHA) published its December 2017 Newsletter (vol. 6 no. 1).CONTENTS:The Politics of History: A Global Family Story by Catherine HallLaudatio for... [News]
Donderdag 25 februari was de start van de reeks 'What's New?' waarin het IISG laat zien dat we meer kunnen leren van het verleden dan we denken. In elke aflevering wordt een actuele maatschappelijke... [News]
is the title of the new book by IISH’s honorary fellow Jan Breman. In this book Breman argues that the poor in India are getting more separated from the non-poor. The non-labouring poor are unable to... [News]
In Buenos Aires, at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín, on March 10 Rossana Barragán will launch the web-page about research and archives on Latin America and Caribbean Network on Labour History... [News]
On October 2nd Kaveh Ehsani successfully defended his thesis at Leiden University.“The Social History of Labor in the Iranian Oil Industry, the Built Environment and the Making of the Industrial... [News]
On 12 October 2013, the European Labour History Network (ELHN) was established during a meeting at the IISH in Amsterdam.The ELHN aims to function as a gateway to share knowledge and (digital)... [News]
Transnational Flows and Permissive Polities in Asia.Willem van Schendel (Asia Department, IISH & University of Amsterdam) has received a four-year grant for an international research programme on... [News]
On March 19, 2004 Prof. dr. Marcel van der Linden, research director of the IISH, delivered the third Arvind N. Das Memorial Lecture. His lecture at the Indian Labour conference in Noida was titled '... [News]
