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Het IISG ontving een collectie rond de sociaal-democraat en zionist Eliazer (Leo) Frank. Frank werd geboren in Groningen 1908 in een arm Joods gezin. Aanvankelijk Zionist, werkte hij vanuit...
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In honour of the centennial anniversary of the Housing Act, the IISH was commissioned to compile a digital museum of public housing in 2001. The foundation consisted of the archives and the...
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Filling pay packets in a medium-size firm in the Netherlands, August 1953. The main denominations shown are 10 guilder notes.
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Most of the daily wages are for skilled building workers in Holland, expressed in stivers made up of 24 deniers. Where possible, I used an annual average (i.e., from around 1500 onwards, 80 per cent...
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Due to a lack of silver the potato-flour factory of Scholten, Groningen, issued emergency paper money. 5 August 1914, the Netherlands.
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Queuing in front of the Nederlandsche Bank, Amsterdam, last days of July 1914.
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Exceptionally, employers requested their workers to take along small change at payday, like in Gouda (the Netherlands) during WWI.
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