Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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The eleven essays collected in this volume deal with important aspects of the historical and contemporary development of the world working class. They attempt to transcend the geographical, temporal... [Publication]
Asian economies and societies have attracted close attention from policy makers, international development institutions and researchers during the post-war era. There is a multitude of reasons for... [Publication]
Asian Labour: A Debate on Culture, Consciousness and Representations(Papers based on the Manila workshop, 23-25 October 1997)Prabhu Mohapatra - Asian Labour: Culture, Consciousness and... [Publication]
A Study of Industrial Labour in Post-Colonial India - Jan Breman1. Constituting labour2. A Deficient Workforce3. Rejection of the Commitment Concept4. Factory Workers as Dominant Class in the Urban... [Publication]
This impressive collection offers the first systematic global and comparative history of textile workers over the course of 350 years. This period covers the major changes in wool and cotton... [Publication]
Based on a collection of labour contracts and other documents, this book examines the legal, economic and social relations of labour as they developed in the commercial enterprises of Tokugawa Japan... [Publication]
Workers who loaded and unloaded ships have formed a distinctive occupational group over the past two centuries. As trade expanded so the numbers of dock labourers increased and became concentrated in... [Publication]
In the first volume of the new book series Changing Labour Relations in Southeast Asia, that the IISH publishes with RoutledgeCurzon, fifteen contributions deal with labour issues in twentieth-... [Publication]
High-cost Activism and the Worker Household: Revolutionary Activism among Phillippine plantation workers.ContentsIntroductionSocial activism: a household strategy?Social activism in the hacienda... [Publication]
