Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Browse website

The Institute of Biography of the University of Groningen and the International Institute of Social History jointly organised an international conference about the role of charisma in the rise of the... [Event]
Five exhibitions of posters, photos and other documents 1. The Bund in pictures2. The Bund and Elections in Interbellum Poland3. Yiddish Revolutionary Propaganda  4. Socialist-revolutionary and... [Exhibition]
Begin april 2008 verscheen Het Socialistenboek, een coproductie van IISG en uitgeverij Waanders. Het Socialistenboek is een handzaam fotoboek over de opkomst en ontwikkeling van de Nederlandse... [Image gallery]
Ter gelegenheid van de 150ste geboortedag van de dichter en politicus Pieter Jelles Troelstra (1860-1930) heeft het IISG een digitaal documentatie centrum geopend. Hier kan de gebruiker gemakkelijk... [Collection guide]
Een omvangrijke aanvulling op het archief van Elisabeth (Bep) Fisher-Spanjer kwam in januari 2008 binnen. Geboren in Amsterdam in 1915, groeide Bep Spanjer op in een links-revolutionair... [Collection highlight]
In the course of 2001, two private libraries were added to the Russian collections at the Institute. The original owners were Boris M. Sapir (who worked at the IISH for many years) and David M.... [Collection highlight]
Benjamin Feigenbaum (1860-1932) was a true master of anti-religious satire. He used the religious knowledge he received from his chassidic father to propagate socialism.  [Collection item]
The Russian Social Revolutionary Party in exile in Londen also tried to gain members among the Jewish workers of the immigrant Eastside. To this end the party published their own Yiddish pamphlets... [Collection item]
Bundist election placards being posted. [Collection item]
Poster announcing Bund Youth-meeting. [Collection item]
