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The Congress, following the experience of the IISG, will cover the period since 1500. There will be around 60 expositions, 12 organizers and 8 to 10 discussants from different countries: Argentina,...
The aim of the workshop is to compare Maoist insurgencies in various Asian and Latin American countries by addressing the following questions:
Why does (Maoist) insurgency emerge in certain...
Program and ParticipantsRoger Knight: Sugarlandia. Re-Thinking the Sugar Colony in the Asia-Pacific Region, 1850-1940 (Workshop's discussion paper)
Sri Margana, Village, Villager and Onderneming:...
The collection of the Dutch professor Dirk Kruijt is composed primarily of research materials related to his broad field of interest on the political and social reality of Latin America and to his...
[Collection highlight]
LATIN AMERICAN LABOUR CONGRESS . Work and Labourers – Past and Present La Paz, Bolivia – 2-8 May 2017On 2-8 May 2017, the Latin American and Caribbean Conference Trabajo y Trabajadores (“Work and...
Since 2012, the prestigious and well known Journal European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies or Revista Europea de Estudios Latinoamericanos y del Caribe features a section called '...
In Buenos Aires, at the Universidad Nacional de San Martín, on March 10 Rossana Barragán will launch the web-page about research and archives on Latin America and Caribbean Network on Labour History...
Resilient Diversity: the Governance of Racial and Religious Plurality in the Dutch Empire, 1600-1800
How did Dutch colonial institutions govern diversity in North America, the Caribbean, Western Africa and Asia? How can we explain these institutions’ resilience and their lasting impact on modern...
The South-South Exchange Proramme for Research on the History o|f Development (SEPHIS) is an independent research programme under the aegis of an international Steering Committee consisting of...
Sugar was the single most valuable bulk commodity traded internationally before oil became the world’s prime resource. From the sixteenth to the eighteenth century, cane sugar production was pre-...