Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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[Annual report]
[Annual report]
[Annual report]
1. Bestuur2. Ambtelijk personeel3. Gebouw4. Stand der werkzaamheden5. Bezoekers6. Aankopen enz.7. Geschenken8. Door de "Centrale" aangekochte collecties, ter beschikking van het Instituut gesteld9.... [Annual report]
Last year in the general introduction to the annual report on 2009 I described in detail the major changes that were imminent at the IISH. This time, I am pleased to show that we have moved beyond... [Annual report]
Among major improvements in 1990, the Ministry of Education and Sciences increased funding of the IISG's acquisition budget by 65%. Coming at a timewhen fundamental change in Central and Eastern... [Annual report]
In 2009 plans for several major innovations and changes were elaborated at the IISH, based on a problem analysis performed largely in 2008. Implementation is scheduled to begin in many areas at once... [Annual report]
2008 has been a year in which bottlenecks were identified and several strategic decisions reached. Clearly, these strategic decisions did not achieve an impact during the year under review, but their... [Annual report]
In late 2006 we started drafting a new Strategy Memorandum 2007-2010, formulating a chief objective for each of the three main operations at the Institute (collecting, research, academic services).... [Annual report]
At the start of the year under review the administration of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) formulated its position regarding the 2003 evaluation of the IISH. The most... [Annual report]
