Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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صديقه دولت آبادی ( Dolatabadi, Sédighé ) ، فرزند حاج ميرزا هادی دولت آبادی، از پيشگامان جنبش های اجتماعی زنان در ايران بود. وی در سال 1261 خورشيدی ( 1882م ) در اصفهان به دنيا آمد. تحصيلات خود را در... [Collection highlight]
پژوهشکده بين‌المللی تاريخ اجتماعی مجموعه‌ی از نامه‌های پژوهندگان، نويسندگان و شاعران ايرانی در خارج کشور را همراه با نوشته‌های چاپ ناشده به گاهنامه‌ی در پی انقلاب اسلامی۱۹۷۹ ايران، موجی از روشنفکران... [Collection highlight]
IISH PhD fellow Peyman Jafari has received the prestigious Fulbright Scholarship to conduct part of his research at the Middle Eastern, South Asian, and African Studies department of Columbia... [News]
The Dr Sadiqi Research Fund was established with generous support from the Centre for Iranian Documentation and Research (CIDR) at the International Institute of Social history (IISH). This Fund... [News]
In recognition of his rich, pioneering and long-term academic contributions to the field of Iranian research and studies and his long standing and enduring friendship to the International Institute... [News]
As the world's most important source of energy, the Middle East has emerged as the key to the stability of global economy. With over 9% of the globe's oil reserves and 15%-17% of worldwide reserves... [Project]
