Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

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Graphic design for the May 1st festivities of the Bund in Poland. [Collection item]
In interbellum Poland the Bund not only operated as political party but was also very active in the socio-cultural field. The proceeds of these stamps went to the Medem club to finance a library, the... [Collection item]
 First page of the brochure and list of publictions. At the end of most pamphlets the Bund and the Jewish anarchists published a list of previous publications and of those which were to appear in the... [Collection item]
Click to see an enlarged picture, additional information and following pages if availableORT : Organization for Rehabilitation Through Training O.R.T. : Gezelshaft tsu farshpreyten handverkeray un... [Section]
Click to see an enlarged picture, additional information and following pages if availableBundist election placards being posted Bundist election posters     [Section]
Click to see enlarged picture and description      [Section]
