Conducts research and collects data on the global history of labour, workers, and labour relations

Women’s labour

Lecture by Alexandra de Pleijt
'Two Worlds of Female Labour: Gender Wage Inequality in Western Europe, 1300 - 1800'Abstract: One of the possible explanations...
lecture by Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk
Industrious women in the Dutch Empire: the Cultivation System and its consequencesThe Cultivation System (1830-1870) in the Dutch...
Women at Work Collection Guide
This Women at Work Collection Guide provides information about the history of working women worldwide. Women worked throughout...
Lecture by Malin Nilsson
Lecture: 'Female Labour Force Participation in Early 20th Century Sweden' by Malin NilssonAanvang: 15.00
Thirsk-Feinstein Prize
Danielle van den Heuvel was awarded the Thirsk-Feinstein Dissertation Prize at the annual conference of the British Economic...
The Economic Position of Women in Asia
Contents1. Introduction2. Female Labour Participation2.1 Female Participation Rates2.2 Determinants of Female Labour Force...
Brouwen, branden en bedienen
Bierbrouwen behoorde van oudsher tot de huishoudelijke taken van vrouwen. Sommige vrouwen brouwden meer dan ze zelf nodig hadden...
Women's Work
Contents1. Introduction2. Peninsular Malaya in the Nineteenth Century3. The Household and the Division of Labour4. Colonialism...
Vrouwen en de geboorte van het kapitalisme in West-Europa
Boekpresentatie Op 20 november 2006 is 'Vrouwen en de geboorte van het kapitalisme in West-Europa door de auteurs Tine de Moor en...
Women and Work Workshop
Women and Work in the Early Modern Period - Workshop Report  As many as 50 participants were present at the IISH workshop 'Women...
Maternalism Reconsidered
Mothers' rights constitute an essential element in gendered histories of welfare states. Often maternity benefits are juxtaposed...
Gender and Work in the Early Modern Northern European World
Comparing various parts of early modern Europe, one is immediately struck by the fact that some countries developed capitalism...
Family and Household in Urban East and Southeast Europe
BackgroundThe family and household in East and Southeast Europe has increasingly been an object of anthropological and historical...
Transnational Domestication.
Transnational Domestication. State Power and Indonesian Migrant Women in Saudi Arabia.
From Erosion Control to Food Crisis Management
From Erosion Control to Food Crisis Management - Changing gender divisions of labor in a Philippine upland village.
Women and entrepreneurship
The many travellers who visited the Dutch Republic praised them: the heroic Dutch tradeswomen. In contrast to women in the...
De draad in eigen handen
In De draad in eigen handen onderzoekt historica Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk de sekseverhoudingen binnen de textielnijverheid in...
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