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III International “Worlds of Labor” Conference • Salvador, Bahia • BrazilUniversidade do Estado da BahiaThe members of the Workgroup “Worlds of Labor” – Brazilian History Association (GT “Mundos do...
The first Authors’ Meeting for Volume II (1900-2000) of The General Labour History of Africa project will take place from 11-12 December 2013, in the Intercontinental Hotel, Kazanchis, Addis Ababa (...
X International Conference on Labour History organized by the Association Of Indian Labour Historians and V.V. Giri National Labour Institute, 22-24 March 2014 at V.V. Giri National Labour Institute...
Seminar on the Research Paper “Labour in the Construction of 'the Great North Road' in Gold Coast (Ghana): 1900-1942” by Dr. Samuel Aniegye Ntewusu, senior researcher at the African Studies Centre of...
Panel Workers across Africa: global and transnational labour history and labour studies, organized at the 5th European Conference on African Studies (ECAS 2013): African dynamics in a multipolar...
Workshop as part of IISH reseach project In the Same Boat? Shipbuilding and ship repair workers: a global labour history (1950-2010)More information on the project:
Towards a Global History of Domestic Workers and CaregiversThe conference focuses on the global history of domestic workers in private homes, a labour market that over time has included, in addition...
The conference explores the history of convict labour from a global and long-term (1500-2010) perspective.The work of inmates is considered in all its historical manifestations: aboard the galleys,...
Concept Programme for workshop 'Labor Relations in the Lusophone World, 1800-2000'14.00 – 14.40: Sónia Ferreira, Antonio Monteiro Cardoso & João Valente – Labor Relations in Portugal, 1800-200014...
Final Workshop of the Global Collaboratory on the History of Labour Relations, 1500-2000