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The GULAG Press, containing "news" bulletins, posters, literary journals, albums and booklets, has been neglected by historians of the GULAG camp system until now. This has been caused, to a large...
Ms Lija I. L'vova, Director of the Gosudarstvennaia Obshchestvenno-Politicheskaia Biblioteka (GOPB, Socio-Political State Library) in Moscow, presented the IISH with a very rare first edition of...
Taking the household or the family as the central unit of analysis the project studies income earning strategies of the non-agrarian population in twentieth century Russia and the Soviet Union....
Social norms and practices, mentalities and attitudes inherited from the Soviet period are commonly perceived as important, yet poorly understood, factors determining the outcome of the process of...
The aim of the project is to create an on-line electronic repository of Russian historical statistics. The repository operates on the principle of a historical data-hub, bringing together data...
These transfers of sovereignty resulted in extensive, unforeseen movements of citizens and subjects to their former countries. The phenomenon of postcolonial migration affected not only European...