Browse website
Contents1. Introduction2. Female Labour Participation2.1 Female Participation Rates2.2 Determinants of Female Labour Force Participation2.3 Other Constraints on Female Participation in the Labour...
Bierbrouwen behoorde van oudsher tot de huishoudelijke taken van vrouwen. Sommige vrouwen brouwden meer dan ze zelf nodig hadden en verkochten het surplus. In de middeleeuwen ontstond hieruit in de...
Contents1. Introduction2. Peninsular Malaya in the Nineteenth Century3. The Household and the Division of Labour4. Colonialism and the integration of Malaysia into the international economy: The...
Transnational Domestication. State Power and Indonesian Migrant Women in Saudi Arabia.
From Erosion Control to Food Crisis Management - Changing gender divisions of labor in a Philippine upland village.
The many travellers who visited the Dutch Republic praised them: the heroic Dutch tradeswomen. In contrast to women in the surrounding countries, in the early modern period Dutch women were...
In De draad in eigen handen onderzoekt historica Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk de sekseverhoudingen binnen de textielnijverheid in de Republiek der Zeven Verenigde Nederlanden, met name het spinnen en...